The practice of prayer reaches deep into our far distant past and is a vital institution of religions around the globe. Rosalyn Rinkler in her book, Conversational Prayer defines prayer as conversation between two people who love each other; God and Man.
Prayer, or if you will, conversation between two people who love each other, is essentially the heart of why God created mankind. God created us for one reason: to know Him and love Him and have fellowship with Him. And originally that’s what happened; Adam and Eve loved God and had unbroken fellowship with Him. They not only lived in a perfect world, but they had perfect fellowship with their Creator. It is true that whereas Adam and Eve lived in eternity in perfect fellowship with God, today mankind lives in time and we converse and fellowship with God through prayer.
God created Adam and Eve with a free will—that is, with the ability to either love Him or reject Him. Otherwise they would have been like robots, unable to choose to love God. God gave our original parents the ability to love Him—or even reject Him. True love requires the ability to respond.
But you know what happened. Satan told Adam and Eve that God was deceiving them (which was a lie), and if they obeyed him instead of God, they’d become like God. Tragically, they believed his lie—and their fellowship with God was broken. You and I now share in the consequences of their sin.
But God still loves us, and He still yearns to fellowship with us and for us to know Him and love Him. And He has made this possible by sending Jesus Christ into the world to give His life for us.
Prayer is meant to be a central part of Christian life, something that is practiced daily in order to maintain closeness with God. Jesus taught the use of both communal fixed prayers, such as the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, and private prayer that comes from the heart. There are many examples in the New Testament of Jesus removing himself from the world around and going privately to a quiet or remote place to pray alone. The Bible says, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10).
While on earth Jesus taught mankind that prayer was important and besides being a perfect model of a prayer warrior He gave the disciples instructions on how to pray. Prayer is meant to be a central part of our Christian life, something that is practiced daily in order to maintain closeness and fellowship with God. Jesus taught the use of both communal fixed prayers, such as the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, and private prayer that comes from the heart. There are many examples in the New Testament of Jesus removing himself from the world around and going privately to a quiet or remote place to pray alone. Jesus spoke strongly of the importance of private prayer, an essential part of daily Christian life. He taught that prayer should be done throughout the day in order to maintain a strong relationship with God.
Who should we pray to? The proper answer is we pray to God the Father, in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. But there is no jealousy in the Godhead, sp pray to whom you’re most comfortable.
Prayers are done in faith and with an open heart.
“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”