What kind of church is First Baptist Church?
First Baptist Church is committed first and foremost to teaching and preaching the Bible. We believe that God has revealed all that is necessary for eternal life and salvation in the Scriptures, including how we should live by faith as believers and within our town and communities. All of our ministries are centered on the careful study of the word of God. We believe that the gospel is of first importance – that Jesus died for sinners and rose again for their justification – and we seek to do life together in light of the grace of the gospel. First Baptist is a church filled with the Holy Spirit, led by the Holy Spirit, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Modeling itself after the early Christian churches of Acts, the membership and its leaders strive to be a church where the Holy Spirit is the leader.
What Happens On Sunday Mornings
Each Sunday morning, we have a Sunday school that meets in our sanctuary for adults at 9:15am. This is a more informal time of Bible teaching and discussion. A Sunday school that meets in our school age children downstairs in our fellowship hall. A nursery is available for all services.
Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30am and is the highlight of our week. After greetings, the service begins with a time of worship through singing, in which we lift our voices to the Lord with one another with time honored traditional hymns and specials. After the reading of the Scriptures and a time of prayer, the Word of God is boldly preached by our pastor. The Bible is preached mainly expository – meaning that the text is explained and then practically applied to our lives. The service will typically end around 12:00pm, but please hang around and fellowship afterwards!
Are there activities or classes for my children
Sunday School classes for children of all ages are available at 9:15am.
During the Sunday morning service, we have a nursery for ages 6 months to 3 years and children’s “Junior Church” for ages 4 through 3rd grade.
In the children’s “Junior Church”, your child will learn the Bible in an environment that will exercise your child’s mind and heart while learning the basic principles of the Bible alongside their peers in a fun and enthusiastic atmosphere.
NOTE: All children ministries have always at least 2 adult teachers who have been screened, background checked and trained so that you can comfortably worship while your children are well cared for.