What In The World Is Going On
Christians are fighting for their own freedom even in so called “Christian” nations.
How did this possibly happen?
Years ago our society used to be based on Christian absolutes and principles founded upon the Bible, the Word of God.
Western Society’s value system, while nowhere perfect, has largely been built upon the belief in and acceptance of God and the Bible as its authority and the cornerstone for determining society’s norms of behavior.
Unfortunately, the past couple of centuries has seen a vast decrease in Christian beliefs and practices to the point whereby a dangerous shift is now occurring in our society’s value system. Our country, originally founded upon Christian principles, is redefining the basis and absolutes by which our society will conduct itself. This redefinition first took the form of changing those laws, customs, social practices, and educational programs that are based on Christian absolutes holding God as the Creator (therefore by default, owner) of all things. These changes in laws have resulted in the decline of Christianity as “the standard for our society.” A new “World View” has essentially emerged that says, “We do not have to accept that the Christian way of doing things is or should be the only way of doing things.” Just look at how Society is now insisting that all people must tolerate all religious beliefs and ways of life.
Unfortunately, this tolerance really means an “intolerance” of the absolutes of Christianity.
After shucking aside all Biblical absolutes our society is now based on a relative morality; that is a person can do whatever they like and are answerable to no one as long as the majority of the people can be persuaded that their interests are not being threatened.
Society by definition, is a collection of intolerances and tolerances, so the concept that a society can be totally tolerant of all principles and standards of behavior is a false concept. There is no such thing as complete neutrality.
For example, take the issue of abortion. Anti-abortionists were told they were intolerant and had no right to dictate their views on anyone else; however, abortionists in the “spirit of tolerance” were legally successful in gaining not only society’s approval of their stance but judicial protection and enforcement of their stance against Christians ‘intolerance” and all opposing views as well. Therefore legal statues were put into place with the full enforcement of law to deprive one group’s view over another. Again, there is no such thing as neutrality.
The unfortunate reality today is that so many Christians are ensnared into believing neutrality works and that society can be based upon both Christian and non-Christian absolutes.
The idea of open mindedness comes from the notion that there is no such thing as absolute truth, or that truth can even be absolutely known.
Christian absolutes, those truths and standards of Scriptures which cannot be altered — are becoming less and less tolerated in society. Eventually this will and must result in the outlawing of Christianity. I don’t know if the legality of Christianity will end prior to or within the Great Tribulation, but with the increasing shift toward humanism, this outcome is inevitable.
Whenever creation/evolution is discussed it is not about science, rather religious beliefs. Evolution cannot be established or proven through scientific methods therefore it is based on a belief system. Atheism and Agnosticism are also based on a belief system.
Evolution is a religious position that makes human opinion supreme.
Creation is a religious position based upon the Word of God that makes God supreme.
Atheism is a belief system that that says the individual has searched everywhere for God and found none. The implication is if evidence is found, they would become believers.
Agnosticism is a belief system that says I don’t care what the truth or evidence indicates I will not believe in God or be bothered concerning anything about God