The Book of Acts focuses on the deeds of the apostles after Jesus rose and ascended into Heaven after a period of 40 days. In Acts Chapter 4, the apostles began to face persecution for their works and teachings.
The Sadducees, who were the religious rulers of the day, were angered and afraid of the miracles that the apostles were doing throughout Jerusalem.
Boldly Healing and Preaching
The apostles taught the people in Jerusalem and they preached while healing in the name of Jesus. Peter and John are major figures in Acts Chapter 4 as they were confronted by the religious leaders for their actions. The Sadducees were fully aware that many of the apostles were ordinary men, many of them even lowly fishermen. As a result, they marveled at what they were able to do. However, they were worried about the possible outcome as it reflected badly on them.
The Apostles Face Persecution
The religious leaders wanted to stop the apostles from preaching. They banned the apostles from preaching in Jesus’ name, but they had no charges to arrest them or punish them. The apostles continued their mission to preach and heal in the name of Jesus. They raised their voices and prayed. The Holy Spirit filled them with the courage and strength to continue to do so.
People Donate to the Cause
Many people gave the apostles various possessions so that they could distribute them to those who were in need. In Acts Chapter 4, a man named Barnabas is mentioned because of such a noble act. He sold land and laid the money he earned at the apostles’ feet.