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COVID-19 Guidelines We Are Following
We have a professional fogger that kills 99.9% of the virus and is used every time there is an event or service here.
- Disinfect door handles, counters, and desktop surfaces
- Keep tissue and hand sanitizer on desks.
- Avoid drinking fountains.
- Wipe down cell phones, phones, computer keyboards, and other office tools (such as copiers)
- Keep trash cans available throughout your campus.
- Sanitize and disinfect your nursery.
- Keep toys picked up, putting out a few at a time, and not allowing children to share toys if Use duplicates for second child.
- Wipe down surfaces.
- Wipe runny noses, then clean child/worker hands with hand
- Avoid snacks when possible.
- Adult handwashing after skin contact with children.
- Wipe down all chairs, counters.
- Have cleaning supplies handy for adults, out of reach of children.
- Use hand sanitizer after changing diapers.
- Wipe down hymnals, folders weekly.
- Use large fans positioned to suck air out of choir room in windows or doorways during practice.
- Consider practicing in a larger room to spread people out.
Offering and Worship
- Collection procedures might need to change.
- Sanitize plates or have designated plate collection sites at exits.
- Ushers use hand sanitizer before/after handling offering.
- Avoid passing out any items to children during children’s time
- Greeters: greet members with a squirt of hand sanitizer, but no hugs or handshakes.
- Discourage hugging and handshakes, find alternative ways of greeting (elbow bump, bow).
- Hand sanitizer should be used all servers and pastors.
- Use alternative methods of handing out bread (tongs or tweezers)
- Avoid drinking from a common cup.
- Hand sanitizer on small stand as enter each door of sanctuary.
- Hand sanitizer AND hand soap clearly marked in bathrooms. Hand sanitizer doesn’t work like soap.
- Tissues on pews.
- Baby wipes to clean backs of pews where people grip when standing.
- Clean all public counters several times a day.
- Wipe down hymnals after services.
- Handwashing: Birthday song x2 or alphabet song and don’t touch face.
- Stay home if sneezing, coughing, runny nose.
Emergency planning:
- Have a plan to manage staff (including choir director, nursery worker, accompanist) should they call in sick and need the 14-day quarantine.
- Have a financial back up plan should a temporary city-wide quarantine be implemented in your area (know where you can make cuts and how to pay your people).
- If possible, explore ways to hold services online, or in smaller group gatherings (this would only become necessary if there is a city-wide quarantine).
- Have a plan should the pastor become ill.