Genesis 5 describes the continuation of the human race beginning with Adam and ending with Noah.
Adam’s Legacy
Adam lived for 930 years and begot Seth at 130 years old. Seth begot Enos at 105 years old and died at the age of 912.
Enos fathered Cainan at 90 years old, and died at age 905. Cainan begot Mahaleel at 70 years old, and died at age 910. Mahaleel lived 65 years and fathered Jared, dying at age 895.
Jared begot Enoch at age 162 and died at age 962. Enoch fathered Methuselah at age 65, and died at the end of 365 years.
The Birth of Noah
Methuselah begot Lamech and died at 969 years of age. Lamech lived for 777 years and fathered a son. He called him Noah, meaning “comforter” or “liberator.” Noah begot three sons called Ham, Japheth, and Shem.